Hair loss is a natural process, but falling over a natural amount is a problem. According to US research, hair loss of 50 to 100 in a day is a natural process. This process causes new hair to fall and raw hair to fall off. But losing more than 100 hair is a cause for concern. Experts say that the causes of hair loss over the hair follicles are the change of hormones and there may be a few reasons.

Changes in hormones:

Changes in hormones occur during pregnancy, childbirth, and thyroid complaints, resulting in hair fall faster. During this time the hormones become mini folded.


Scalp infection in the head also weakens the roots of the hair and prevents hair growth. This causes a complaint of fungus, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Seabrook’s complaint is yellow and extremely sticky to the scalp skin. Due to this, the dryness increases rapidly, which slows down hair growth while it is affected by hormones or excessive oil accumulation in the skin.

Hereditary Hair Loss:

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the cause of hair fall is often inherited as a parent or bloody relationship, which can also lead to illness. So if it is not treated on time, it is normal to have a hair fall called androgenic alopecia.

Complaints of the thyroid:

When there are very few thyroid hormones being supplied to the body, it causes a complaint of hypothyroidism. Thai raid hormones play a vital role in human health. They range from the metabolic rate of the body to the growth of hair and nails, but when they are not found in a balanced quantity, changes in the body’s system begin to occur, leading to hair loss.

Iron deficiency:

Women who are reluctant to take a healthy diet during menstruation often lack iron, which weakens hair growth and causes hair fall.

Hair Dyeing:

Charming and adorning a unique style is one of the top priorities for which women often embellish it with different colors or adopt a style that makes them look unique and beautiful. But using too many chemicals can affect the hair’s glow and cause it to become unconscious, causing the hair to become weak and fall off.