How is it possible to treat baldness or falling hair through garlic? Very useful information you also know.

London (NewsDesk) If your hair is constantly falling and you are at risk of getting bald, do not worry, but rather treat them with garlic, let’s enlighten you with very useful information.

Hair growth through garlic juice and honey

Take a few garlic slices and squeeze out the juice so that you have a large spoonful of juice. Take this amount of honey and mix them well and apply them on the head and let it sit for half an hour. Wash your head, repeating this procedure three times a week will start developing your hair.

Garlic juice and coconut oil for falling hair

Heat coconut oil lightly, add an equal amount of garlic juice and wash the head 30 minutes after applying it. In a few days, your hair will stop falling as well as new hair will begin to appear.

How to Make Garlic Oil Home

You should use garlic oil and massage the head with it so that it will develop the hair as well as it will stop falling off. Also, garlic oil and garlic essential oil make a difference. The latter is very fast and if it is not mixed into anything, it can also cause inflammation on the skin. You should make garlic oil at home. Let us show you how to make garlic oil.

Method 1

Take one tablespoon of garlic and put one tablespoon of semi-hot olive oil in a refrigerator. Keep this oil in a black bottle in the refrigerator for one to two weeks and remove the garlic from the oil before use.

Method 2

You can mix other oils with garlic oil if you want. You should:

Take five tablespoons garlic oil (use oil made from Method 1)
Take one tablespoon of coconut oil

Take one tablespoon of castor oil

Half a teaspoon of rosemary oil

10 drops Tea Tree Oil

5 drops peppermint oil

Mix all these oils and shake them thoroughly in a black bottle and refrigerate. Massage this oil daily and see a clear difference in a few days.