The most common type of hair loss encountered in men is called male-pattern baldness (also known as androgenic alopecia.) This condition leads to hair width progressively decreasing until the hair is completely gone and baldness develops. Hair loss is never fun to deal and unfortunately, it’s something that everyone has to deal with eventually, young/old, men/women, it’s inevitable.

– If you brush your hair, use a brush that’s soft and dry; do NOT brush your hair if it’s wet as that will cause extra stress to your follicles.

– Try a higher quality conditioner, this will fix most hair thinning problems and for the rinsing, try adding a some vinegar or lemon to the water.

-One of the primary culprits for weak hair is lack of protein. It might seem a little unorthodox or messy, but simply beating an egg and mixing it with olive oil and leaving it in your hair for 15 minutes will wonders for the health of your hair.

-Poor diet is linked to MANY problems including hair loss; simply improving the quality of your diet can drastically increase the quality of your hair. Hair is made of protein and you should be targeting a diet that is rich in vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, biotin, magnesium and zinc. Shoot for soybeans, lentils, almonds, brown rice, whole grain oats, and flaxseed.

You can lose hair because of a lack of blood flow, not enough of the right nutrients in your body, or even because of stress. Many men are losing their hair because of a genetically-based hormone called DHT. Natural DHT blockers like herbs are often used in various remedies to help curb male pattern balding.

Take for example the use of something like mustard seeds. How often have you heard of this herb aiding in the regrowth of hair? Not much, and that’s because many have no clue that it can work in such a way.

You can use the oil from mustard seeds to boost growth. Just add half a cup of henna leaves to a cup of mustard seed oil. Boil them together for 15 minutes, strain and then drink the remaining oil. It’s that simple and best of all it is one of the oldest hair loss treatments around.

Men and women lose hair in different ways but this doesn’t mean that they can’t find a solution to fix this problem. While there are many products that are quite popular on the market, some are finding them to be a waste of their time. Side effects are a common occurrence and you shouldn’t have to put up with them just to stop your hair from falling out.

Hair loss remedies are cheap; require only a small amount of time and effort, and best of all they work. Targeting various root causes of thin hair is a first step towards hair regrowth.

A better solution to the problem of baldness is to use natural treatments. They work in exactly the same way as synthetic prescription drugs, by blocking DHT and preventing it from binding to hair follicles. However, since they contain only natural ingredients, they do not have any side-effects commonly associated with synthetic chemicals. This makes natural hair loss remedies

an attractive alternative to prescription drugs.

As mentioned before, for most cases, the optimal solution would be to try the proper mix of natural remedies, they’re less expensive and more importantly, there are absolutely no side effects with natural remedies.

There are so many hair loss remedies available on the market today. The safest and the most effective method are to take hair loss vitamins

. But some are not sure on the way they are going to bring a remedy to the hair loss problem.