Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Arthritis was in the past associated with old age but the sad truth is that arthritis affects men and women even with children and (young) adults. About 60% of Americans who suffer from arthritis are women!  Arthritis in simple terms can be termed as the inflammation of the joint(s), period.

Can arthritis be cured? Well, the answer is obviously yes but it all depends on the individual because not everyone might better respond to the same arthritis treatment.

Here are some mentioned  ways arthritis can be cured:

1) Herbal Remedies

Herbs are though very great for treating arthritis and more and more people are beginning to appreciate the efficacy of herbal remedies. Here are few  herbs that are known to cure arthritis:
Devil’s Claw: yes, the name sounds pretty weird but this herb is actually used for treating several health conditions that cause swelling and pains. Arthritis can be better treated using devil’s claw.

Healing Chinese soup: Chinese soups are so very comforting and are so known to have therapeutic powers.

Noni Juice:  this juice is in fact made from the noni herb which grows in the South Pacific. This herb is known to many as a “miracle cure” because it is used to cure many conditions such as weight loss, diabetes, asthma, pain relief, and arthritis. This juice is even known to reduce symptoms of cancer, stroke, and fibromyalgia.

White willow bark: this herb has been used since time immemorial to reduce fever and swellings. This herb is known as a natural aspirin (the real McCoy).

2) Take A Bath In The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea water is always known for curing arthritis and studies have shown that healing lasts up to three months. The Dead Sea contains a wide quantity of potassium which is known for its curative powers especially in the treatment of arthritis. The ocean even so known for its anti-arthritic properties as well, this is only because the ocean contains potassium that equals the same concentration as blood.

Keep your joints moving. Regular exercise is a powerful ally in fighting arthritis pain as well as in preventing it in the first place. Exercise helps in several ways. It helps strengthen muscles surrounding the joints, so they provide more support. Keeping the joints moving also increases their internal lubrication so they move more easily and with less strain.

Taking walks once or twice a day is a superb exercise for people with arthritis. Not only will walking strengthen muscles, but it is also relatively low impact, so it puts very little stress on the joints. Swimming and bicycling are also good for easing and preventing arthritis pain.

When starting an exercise program, be sure to start out slowly. Doing too much all at once will only make your joints hurt more. As a rule, doctors recommend exercising three or four times a week, for twenty to thirty minutes each time. And don”??t forget to warm up by stretching for several minutes before putting your body in motion. This will help keep muscles and joints limberFree Reprint Articles, so you don”??t hurt yourself along the way.