Head lice are parasites that make their home in human head. They are transmitted from one person to other when they come in close contact with each other. Lice   grow in numbers, leaving affected individual to feel the constant need to scratch the head. Also, one  might also have lice in eyebrows and eyelashes. Listed are some of the effective home remedies for lice.

Olive oil and vinegar remedy

With gloved hands, massage olive oil into the scalp. While massaging the scalp, make sure you cover  all portions of the hair completely. Put on a shower cap or a plastic cling wrap to allow oil remain on the hair overnight, which makes lice to suffocate. Wash hair in the morning with a shampoo for oily hair.  Coat hair with white vinegar. Let vinegar remain on the scalp for at 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the vinegar rinse every day for a week.

Mayonnaise, tree oil and vinegar remedy

Mix a cup of mayonnaise and half a cup of vinegar in a bowl. Add few drops of tea tree oil to the solution. Gently massage the solution on your hair and scalp. Ensure that all portions of the hair must be completely coated. Cover head with a plastic wrap or a shower cap. Leave it covered overnight or for at least eight hours. When you take off the cover, comb hair through a fine tooth comb while rinsing hair to get rid of lice. The procedure should be repeated for 3—4 days to see lice go away.

Butter and lemon remedy

Mix two spoons of butter and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture gently on the scalp and keep it for about twenty minutes before rinsing. Repeat the procedure daily to until lice goes away.


Apart from practicing these remedies to get rid of lice, you must also check all family members for lice at the same time. This will ensure that anyone who needs  treatment for lice gets it  and the infestation  won’t be passed further. Bedding and clothing must be washed in hot water to kill lice or nits. Moreover, you must also vacuum the home and soak combs in hot water that you use regularly.