The menace of hair loss has been bothering humans for a long time. It is a problem that has been dealt with, since centuries and there is no denying the fact that this is a big issue that has not been eradicated from the human civilization for all this while. However there are remedies that have been found to curb this troublemaker in the recent years. Let us throw some light on what causes shedding of hair and what could be its probable treatments.

To start with as to what causes hair loss is a combination of issues and at times only one reason is more than enough. Balding can be caused by hereditary factors, health conditions and ailments like thyroid, and more accurately prescription drugs as part of a treatment. That is correct the side effects of medication are also another aspect that adds to this nuisance.

Nonetheless there are some more additions to these that the modern lifestyle has gifted us with. Things like stress, lack of sleep due to late nights, and a sedentary lifestyle are a part of it. There is no need to explain that these can be controlled by living a healthy life. One should not press the panic button just because there are early signs of hair loss, but should instead follow it up with a good lifestyle to make things better for them.

A few of the many ways by which hair fall can be treated is by keeping the hair as well as the scalp clean. Remember the saying cleanliness is next to Godliness? Well to be honest this works well in this case of fighting hair loss. One has to maintain a good hygiene in order to ward off hair fall. Then taking adequate amount of vitamins with prescribed medications can also prove to be helpful. Undergoing hair weaving sessions after consulting a specialist for the same can also be a way out of this vulnerability. It is highly recommended that one should take an advice from their physician about this in details.

There are some home remedies that can also be used to fight off hair loss in an effective way. Things like oiling the hair and using homemade conditioners that can be applied on the hair, and some natural hair packs for hair care can be utilized for the same. After hair is an important part of anyone’s physical features that should be taken care of in a healthy way.