Have you heard about foods for reducing inflammation? Studies done at Oregon State and elsewhere show that your diet can have a big impact on your bodies’ ability to reduce unnecessary inflammation.

Since chronic inflammation is linked to diseases ranging from asthma and arthritis to Chron’s disease and an increased risk for heart attacks–you’ll want to keep it under control.

If you’re not sure whether you’re susceptible to chronic inflammation, your doctor can run what’s called a C-reactive protein test to determine if your body is suffering from the redness, swelling and heat associated with inflammation. Since it can be inside of you and not outside, it can be hard to tell.

Your diet and lifestyle play a big role in controlling chronic inflammation. You can also help control it with supplements. More on those in a minute.

First, the foods for reducing inflammation are fruits, fish, nuts, beans, whole grains and some spices such as ginger and turmeric. The foods you hear the most about are the ones like fatty fish and walnuts which are rich in necessary Omega 3 nutrients. Coldwater fish like mackerel, tuna and salmon are especially rich in these nutrients–particularly something called DHA.

Most Western diets are rich in another essential fatty acid, Omega 6 but deficient in Omega 3’s. In fact,
nutritionists say the average person gets 10-20 times as many Omega 6’s as they do Omega 3’s. Both are important in healthy body functions but the Omega 3’s are the ones necessary for reducing inflammation.

Moderate exercise and a diet rich in olive oil, fish, beans and vegetables will help control inflammation.

You can also use fish oil supplements as part of your health regimen. Good quality fish oil supplements will ensure you’re getting pure fish oil without harmful toxins like lead and mercury. Fish may be swimming in polluted waters and so experts don’t recommend eating more than 2-3 servings per week. Plus, some fish oil supplements are also created from polluted fish.